At Greenfields School, the practice of "Drop Everything And Read" (DEAR) has taken on a transformative approach by encouraging students to dedicate just 10 minutes each day to reading. This daily commitment not only fosters a love for literature but also cultivates essential skills that will benefit students throughout their academic journeys and beyond.
The Power of 10 MinutesIn today’s fast-paced world, finding time to read can be challenging.However, the simple act of setting aside 10 minutes each day makes readingmanageable and enjoyable. During these moments, students can dive intotheir favorite books, explore new genres, or even engage with educationalmaterials that pique their interest. This short but consistent practice allowsreading to become a natural part of their daily routine, reinforcing the ideathat every minute spent reading is valuable.
Building a Lifelong HabitBy committing to 10 minutes of reading each day, students at GreenfieldsSchool are not just enhancing their literacy skills; they are also building alifelong habit. Regular reading improves vocabulary, comprehension, andcritical thinking. As students encounter new ideas and diverse perspectiveswithin the pages of their books, they develop a greater understanding of theworld around them. This daily practice encourages curiosity and inspiresstudents to ask questions and seek knowledge.